The WEN025664B model is a COF Graphic OLED, featuring a diagonal size of 3.12 inches and a resolution of 256x64 dots. This OLED module is built-in with the SSD1322 IC and supports 8-bits 6800/8080 and 3/4-line SPI interfaces. It has an outline dimension of 89.2 × 44.0 mm, with an active area size of 76.78 × 19.18 mm. It also supports 4-bits grayscale, with a logic supply voltage of 3V. The display's current at 50% check board is 150mA @3.0V VDD (typical value), with a driving duty of 1/64.
The module has a built-in PCB, allowing customers to use wire connections without the need for additional PCB development for their applications. Additionally, the integrated VCC circuit on the PCB simplifies customer usage. This PCB board, equipped with four mounting holes, provides an easy method for customers to secure modules in their applications. This OLED module is suitable for smart home applications, medical devices, industrial control, etc.
The WEN025664B model can operate at temperatures ranging from -40℃ to +80℃, with storage temperatures ranging from -40℃ to +85℃. The OLED module features a high contrast ratio of 10,000:1, resulting in enhanced image quality, sharper details, and improved readability, especially in low-light environments.
Furthermore, OLED panels with the same dimensions offer a variety of alternatives:
- WEX025664B series without a metal frame and PCB
- WEX025664B-CTP series without a metal frame, PCB, and with a CTP touch screen
- WEN025664B-CTP series with a metal frame, PCB, and CTP touch screen