OLED Modules, Passive Matrix OLED, OLED Display Panel, OLED Dot Matrix Display
WINSTAR is a professional OLED Module Supplier. We provide a wide range of standard passive matrix OLED (PMOLED) / OLED dot matrix display and custom design Character OLED modules, Graphic OLED displays and OLED display panels. Mechanical structure includes Chip on Board (COB), Chip on Glass (COG), and Chip on Film (COF) types. Customers can upgrade applications from STN LCD to OLED displays easily. WINSTAR OLED modules are featured with all the important advantages –
- Faster response time “At +25 ℃ 10 μsec.”
- Unlimited viewing angle “Up to 175 degree”
- Thin – No need of backlight, self emitting
- High Brightness
- High contrast ratio “Up to 10,000:1”
- Wide Operation Temperature “-40 ℃ ~ 80 ℃”
- Lower power consumption
WINSTAR Passive Matrix OLED Modules are perfect for wearable devices, hardware wallet, E-cigarette, white goods, smart home applications, IoT System, medical system, industrial instrument, DJ mixer, car equipment, car dashboard, car audio, car clock, car door display system, water ionizer, sewing machine, meter, ammeter, instrument tuner, external hard disk, printers...etc.
We provide many solutions such as I2C OLED display, SPI OLED display, SSD1306 OLED Display, SSD1327 OLED, micro OLED, mini OLED display, thin OLED display , tiny OLED display, round OLED display, color OLED display and OLED touch display.