首頁 產品介紹 OLED顯示器 繪圖型 OLED 顯示器 WEO012864L

1.28吋OLED顯示器 128x64

型號 WEO012864L

►類型: 繪圖型
►結構: COG
►尺寸: 1.28吋
►128x64 點陣
►1/64 duty cycle
►介面: 6800 / 8080 / 3-SPI /4-SPI / I2C
►發光顏色: 白色 / 黃色 / 天空藍


WEO012864L為COG 128x64 pixels 1.28吋OLED繪圖型模組。此模組外觀尺寸34.50 × 23.00 mm, AA 尺寸 29.42 × 14.20 mm,內建SH1106 controller,模組支援8bit 6800/8080, 3-wire/4-wire SPI與I2C介面。WEO012864L OLED顯示器 128x64 使用3V驅動,有 ZIF FPC 與 Hotbar FPC 可選擇。COG OLED顯示器模組因為非常的薄,重量輕巧且低耗電流,所以非常適合手持式產品、量測儀器、智慧電表、穿戴式產品、物聯網設備等等。此型號OLED模組可支援內部升壓及外部供電。

     可選 FPC



WEO012864L with Hotbar FPC

SH1106 OLED Display, 1.28 inch OLED, OLED SH1106 - WEO012864L with Hotbar FPC

Data source ref: WEO012864LLAP3N00000


WEO012864L with ZIF FPC

Winstar SH1106 OLED, 1.28 inch OLED - WEO012864L with ZIF FPC

Data source ref: WEO012864LLAP3N00F00



項目 標準值 單位
解析度 128 x 64
模組尺寸 34.50 × 23.00 × 1.65 mm
有效區域 29.42 × 14.20 mm
像素大小 0.205 × 0.197 mm
像素間距 0.230 × 0.222 mm
顯示模式 被動矩陣
顯示顏色 單色
驅動方式 1/64 Duty
控制器IC SH1106
介面 6800/8080/3-SPI /4-SPI / I2C
尺寸 1.28 吋


參數 符號 最小值 最大值 單位
邏輯電源電壓 VDD1 -0.3 3.6 V
電荷幫浦電源 VDD2 -0.3 4.8 V
顯示電源電壓 VPP -0.3 14.5 V
工作溫度 TOP -40 +80 °C
儲存溫度 TSTG -40 +85 °C



項目 符號 條件 最小值 典型值 最大值 單位
邏輯電源電壓 VDD1 2.8 3.0 3.3 V
顯示電源電壓 VPP 6.75 7.25 7.75 V
輸入高準位 VIH 0.8xVDD1 VDD1 V
輸入低準位 VIL VSS 0.2xVDD1 V
輸出高準位 VOH 0.8xVDD1 VDD1 V
輸出低準位 VOL VSS 0.2xVDD1 V
Display 50% Pixel on IPP VPP =7.25V 6.0 9.0 mA


No. 符號 功能說明
1 NC(GND) No connection
2 C1N Connect to charge pump capacitor.
These pins are not used and should be disconnected when Vpp is supplied externally.
3 C1P
4 C2P Connect to charge pump capacitor.
These pins are not used and should be disconnected when Vpp is supplied externally.
5 C2N
6 VDD2 3.0 – 4.7V power supply pad for Power supply for charge pump circuit.
This pin should be disconnected when VPP is supplied externally
7 NC No connection
8 VSS Ground.
9 VDD1 Power supply input: 1.65 - 3.5V
10 IM0 These are the MPU interface mode select pads.
  8080 I2C 6800 4-wire SPI 3-wire SPI
IM0 0 0 0 0 1
IM1 1 1 0 0 0
IM2 1 0 1 0 0
11 IM1
12 IM2
13 CSB This pad is the chip select input. When CSB = “L”, then the chip select becomes active, and data/command I/O is enabled.
14 RESB This is a reset signal input pad. When RES is set to “L”, the settings are initialized. The reset operation is performed by the RES signal level.
15 A0 This is the Data/Command control pad that determines whether the data bits are data or a command.
A0 = “H”: the inputs at D0 to D7 are treated as display data.
A0 = “L”: the inputs at D0 to D7 are transferred to the command registers.
In I2C interface, this pad serves as SA0 to distinguish the different address of OLED driver.
16 WRB This is a MPU interface input pad.
When connected to an 8080 MPU, this is active LOW. This pad connects to the 8080 MPU WR signal. The signals on the data bus are latched at the rising edge of the WR signal.
When connected to a 6800 Series MPU: This is the read/write control signal input terminal.
When R/W = “H”: Read.
When R/W = “L”: Write.
17 RDB This is a MPU interface input pad.
When connected to an 8080 series MPU, it is active LOW. This pad is connected to the RD signal of the 8080 series MPU, and the data bus is in an output status when this signal is “L”.
When connected to a 6800 series MPU , this is active HIGH. This is used as an enable clock input of the 6800 series MPU.
When RD = “H”: Enable.
When RD = “L”: Disable.
18 D0 This is an 8-bit bi-directional data bus that connects to an 8-bit or 16-bit standard MPU data bus.
When the serial interface is selected, then D0 serves as the serial clock input pad (SCL) and D1 serves as the serial data input pad (SI). At this time, D2 to D7 are set to high impedance.
When the I2C interface is selected, then D0 serves as the serial clock input pad (SCL) and D1 serves as the serial data input pad (SDAI). At this time, D2 to D7 are set to high impedance.
19 D1
20 D2
21 D3
22 D4
23 D5
24 D6
25 D7
26 IREF This is a segment current reference pad. A resistor should be connected between this pad and VSS. Set the current at 18.75uA.
27 VCOMH This is a pad for the voltage output high level for common signals.
A capacitor should be connected between this pad and VSS.
28 VPP OLED panel power supply. Generated by internal charge pump.
Connect to capacitor. It could be supplied externally.
29 VSL This is a segment voltage reference pad.
This pad should be connected to VSS externally.
30 NC(GND) No connection

可選 FPC:

Drawing FPC Length PIN Pitch ZIF FPC or HOTBAR FPC Interface FPC No. Create Date
FPC2070003001XXXXX03_WEO012864LLPP3N00000 13.2 30 0.7 HOTBAR FPC 6800/8080/3-SPI /4-SPI / I2C FPC2070003001XXXXX03 20141107
FPC2050003011XXXXX18_WEO012864LWAP3N00F00 51.15 30 0.5 ZIF  6800/8080/3-SPI /4-SPI / I2C FPC2050003011XXXXX18 20180123
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