首頁 產品介紹 OLED顯示器 繪圖型 OLED 顯示器 WEO012832F

0.91吋,128x32,I2C 繪圖OLED模組

型號 WEO012832F

►薄型 OLED
►類型: 繪圖型
►結構: COG
►尺寸: 0.91吋
►128 x 32 點陣
►1/32 duty
►發光顏色: 白色 / 黃色 / 天空藍


WEO012832F是一款128x32 COG 繪圖型0.91吋小尺寸單色PMOLED 模組,非常適用於穿戴式裝置顯示器。WEO012832F內建SSD1306 控制器IC,模組支援I2C介面,此款OLED面板外觀尺寸、AA區及VA區尺寸與WEO012832D相同,但是兩款的FPC pin數及出pin方式與interface介面不相同,WEO012832D是僅能使用SPI串列式介面,如需使用I2C interface請選用WEO012832F此款模組。此型號OLED模組可支援內部升壓及外部供電。

WEO012832F為COG OLED模組,特點是重量輕薄、高對比、低耗電、廣視角、反應速度快,適用於牆面型(wall devices) 或手持式測量儀器(meter devices)、智能科技與智慧能源系統、物聯網設備、智慧電表、醫療儀器以及穿戴式裝置、電子菸等等。WEO012832F模組的工作溫度是-40℃至+80℃,儲存溫度-40℃至+85℃ 。


I2C OLED Display, OLED Display I2C, Display I2C OELD - WEO012832F

Data source ref: WEO012832FWPP3N00001



No. 符號 功能說明
1 C2P Positive Terminal of the Flying Inverting CapacitorNegative Terminal of the Flying Boost CapacitorThe charge-pump capacitors are required between the terminals. They must be floated when the converter is not used.
2 C2N
3 C1P
4 C1N
5 VBAT Power Supply for DC/DC Converter Circuit
This is the power supply pin for the internal buffer of the DC/DC voltage converter. It must be connected to external source when the converter is used. It should be connected to VDD when the converter is not used.
6 NC No connection
7 VSS Ground of Logic Circuit
This is a ground pin. It acts as a reference for the logic pins. It must be connected to external ground.
8 VDD Power Supply for Logic
This is a voltage supply pin. It must be connected to external source.
9 RES# Power Reset for Controller and Driver
This pin is reset signal input. When the pin is low, initialization of the chip is executed.
10 SCL I2C mode is selected, D2, D1 should be tied together and serve as SDAout, SDAin inapplication and D0 is the serial clock input, SCL.
11 SDA
12 IREF Current Reference for Brightness Adjustment
This pin is segment current reference pin. A resistor should be connected between this pin and VSS. Set the current lower than 12.5μA.
13 VCOMH Voltage Output High Level for COM Signal
This pin is the input pin for the voltage output high level for COM signals. A capacitor should be connected between this pin and VSS.
14 VCC Power Supply for OEL Panel
This is the most positive voltage supply pin of the chip. A stabilization capacitor should be connected between this pin and VSS when the converter is used. It must be connected to external source when the converter is not used.


項目 規格 單位
點陣(解析度) 128 × 32 Dots
模組尺寸 30.0 × 11.5 × 1.26 mm
有效區域 22.384 × 5.584 mm
像素大小 0.152 × 0.152 mm
像素間距 0.175 × 0.175 mm
顯示模式 Passive Matrix 被動矩陣
發光顏色 單色
驅動方式 1/32 Duty
IC SSD1306
介面 I2C
尺寸(對角線) 0.91 吋


參數 符號 最小值 最大值 單位
邏輯電源電壓 VDD 0 4.0 V
顯示電源電壓 VCC 0 16.0 V
工作溫度 TOP -40 +80 °C
儲存溫度 TSTG -40 +85 °C


DC 電氣特性

項目 符號 條件 最小值 典型值 最大值 單位
邏輯電源電壓 VDD 2.8 3.0 3.3 V
顯示電源電壓 VCC 7 7.25 8 V
輸入高準位 VIH 0.8×VDD VDDIO V
輸入低準位 VIL 0 0.2×VDD V
輸出高準位 VOH 0.9×VDD VDDIO V
輸出低準位 VOL 0 0.1×VDD V
VCC的工作電流 (VCC Supplied Externally) ICC Vcc =7.25V 7 11 mA

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