首页 产品介绍 OLED显示屏 触控 OLED 显示屏 WEN025664D-CTP

5.5寸 256x64 COF OLED 触控模块+PCB+铁框

型号 WEN025664D-CTP

►1/64 duty cycle
►接口:6800, 8080, SPI
►支援指数: 1指
►发光颜色: 白色 / 黄色 / 绿色


WEN025664D-CTP 是5.5吋工业级COF绘图型OLED显示器,配备铁框、PCB和电容式触控面板,分辨率为 256x64 dots。 此OLED模块内建SSD1322 IC 可支持8-bit 6800/8080界面与3线/4线SPI界面。模块支持16 (4 bit)灰阶,使用3V逻辑供电电压,50%显示画面耗电流240mA @3.0V VDD (typical值),驱动方式1/64 duty。此模块搭配电容式触控面版,触控面板内建GT911 IC支持I2C接口 ,支持单点触控,加值CTP触控模块方便客户整合人机接口。

模块上设计含PCB板的优点是PCB适合客户使用导线连接,不需开发PCB。此外,整合VCC 电路客户更容易上手,同时支持多种接线方式:PIN、FFC、CN、FPC。PCB板上有四个螺丝孔方便让客户将模块固定在应用产品上。

此OLED 模块适用于智能家电、工控设备、智能检测、智能手表、智能医疗设备等。 WEN025664D-CTP 型号可在 -20°C ~ +70°C 的温度下工作; 其储存温度范围为 -30°C ~ +80°C。


因为此款模块是OLED COF 结构自发光无须背光,所以厚度也非常的薄仅2.05 mm。 此5.5” OLED模块目前量产色有绿色与黄色,非常适合运用在POS系统。

Winstar COF OLED模块系列非常适合墙面型(wall devices) 与测量仪器(meter devices),例如POS系统、云端/物联网系统、手持式产品、智能科技与智能能源系统、车载与通讯设备以及医疗仪器等等,客户能便利地将原来产品上的STN显示器轻易地升级到OLED显示器,因为华凌光电提供非常多样化与广度的OLED尺寸与OLED产品提升解决方案供客户产品升级。


5.5 inch 256x64 COF Touch OLED Display with PCB +Frame - WEN025664D-CTP

Data source ref:WEN025664DGPP3D00000



Pin Number 符号 I/O 功能说明
1 VSS P Ground.
2 VDD P Power Supply for Core Logic Circuit
Power supply pin for core logic operation. A capacitor is required to connect between this pin and VSS
3 N.C. P Reserved Pin
The N.C. pin between function pins are reserved for compatible and flexible design.
4 D/C# I Data/Command Control
This pin is Data/Command control pin connecting to the MCU.
When the pin is pulled HIGH, the content at D[7:0] will be interpreted as data.
When the pin is pulled LOW, the content at D[7:0] will be interpreted as command.
5 R/W#
I Read/Write Select or Write
This pin is MCU interface input. When interfacing to a 68XX-series microprocessor, this pin will be used as Read/Write (R/W#) selection input. Pull this pin to “High” for read mode and pull it to “Low” for write mode.
When 80XX interface mode is selected, this pin will be the Write (WR#) input. Data write operation is initiated when this pin is pulled low and the CS# is pulled low.
When serial mode is selected, this pin must be connected to VSS.
6 E/RD# I Read/Write Enable or Read
This pin is MCU interface input. When interfacing to a 68XX-series microprocessor, this pin will be used as the Enable (E) signal. Read/write operation is initiated when this pin is pulled high and the CS# is pulled low.
When connecting to an 80XX-microprocessor, this pin receives the Read (RD#) signal. Data read operation is initiated when this pin is pulled low and CS# is pulled low.
When serial mode is selected, this pin must be connected to VSS.
7~14 DB0 I/O Host Data Input/Output Bus
These pins are 8-bit bi-directional data bus to be connected to the microprocessor’s data bus.
When serial mode is selected, D1 will be the serial data input SDIN and D0 will be the serial clock input SCLK.
15 NC P Reserved Pin
The N.C. pin between function pins are reserved for compatible and flexible design.
16 RES# I This pin is reset signal input.
When the pin is pulled LOW, initialization of the chip is executed.
Keep this pin pull HIGH during normal operation.
17 CS# I Data/Command Control
This pin is the chip select input connecting to the MCU. The chip is enabled for MCU communication only when CS# is pulled LOW.
18 NC P Reserved Pin
The N.C. pin between function pins are reserved for compatible and flexible design.
19 BS1 I Communicating Protocol Select
These pins are MCU interface selection input. See the following table:
BS[1:0] Bus Interface Selection
00 4 line SPI
01 3 line SPI
10 8-bit 8080 parallel
11 8-bit 6800 parallel
(1) 0 is connected to VSS
(2) 1 is connected to VDD
20 BS0
21 TP_SCK I I2C clock input
22 TP_SDA I I2C data input and output
23 TP_INT I External interrupt to the host
24 TP_RST I External Reset, Low is active


项目 尺寸 单位
点阵 256 × 64 Dots
模块尺寸 147.0 × 59 × 4.8 mm
有效区域 135.65 × 33.89 mm
点大小 0.5 × 0.5 mm
点间距 0.53 × 0.53 mm
显示模式 被动矩阵
发光颜色 单色
驱动方式 1/64 Duty
灰阶 4 bits
OLED 接口 6800, 8080, SPI
尺寸(对角线) 5.5 寸
支援手指数 1
CTP 接口 I2C
表面 亮面


参数 符号 最小值 最大值 单位
显示电源电压 VDD -0.3 4 V
工作温度 TOP -20 +70 °C
储存温度 TSTG -30 +80 °C


DC 电气特性

项目 符号 条件 最小值 典型值 最大值 单位
逻辑电源电压 VDD 2.8 3.0 3.3 V
输入高准位 VIH 0.8×VDD VDD V
输入低准位 VIL 0 0.2×VDD V
输出高准位 VOH 0.9×VDD VDD V
输出低准位 VOL 0 0.1×VDD V
50%显示画面耗电流 IDD VDD =3V 240 400 mA

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