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2.42吋是市場上熱門的顯示器尺寸,華凌推出 WEO012864J-CTP 2.4吋繪圖型OLED顯示模組搭配電容式觸控面板產品,模組解析度為128x64、內建SSD1309 IC、預設6800 8-bit並列介面,可選擇8080並列介面、4-線SPI或I2C介面,支援邏輯電源電壓3V、 驅動方式1/64。 WEO012864J-CTP模組的觸控面板,內建GT911 IC,使用I2C介面、支援1指觸控。
項目 | 規格 | 單位 |
點陣(解析度) | 128 x 64 | - |
模組尺寸 | 75.0 × 52.7 ×10.2 MAX | mm |
有效區域 | 55.01 × 27.49 | mm |
點大小 | 0.40 × 0.40 | mm |
點間距 | 0.43 × 0.43 | mm |
顯示模式 | 被動矩陣 | |
發光顏色 | 單色 | |
驅動方式 | 1/64 Duty | |
IC | SSD1309 | |
介面 | 預設8Bits 6800, 可選 8080 / 4-SPI / I2C | |
尺寸 | 2.42 吋 | |
PCAP IC | GT911 | |
Detect Point | 1 | |
PCAP 介面 | I2C | |
表面 | 亮面 |
參數 | 符號 | 最小值 | 最大值 | 單位 |
邏輯電源電壓 | VDD | -0.3 | 4 | V |
工作溫度 | TOP | -20 | +70 | °C |
儲存溫度 | TSTG | -30 | +80 | °C |
項目 | 符號 | 條件 | 最小值 | 典型值 | 最大值 | 單位 |
邏輯電源電壓 | VDD | - | 2.8 | 3.0 | 3.3 | V |
輸入高準位 | VIH | - | 0.8×VDD | - | - | V |
輸入低準位 | VIL | - | - | - | 0.2×VDD | V |
輸出高準位 | VOH | - | 0.9×VDD | - | - | V |
輸出低準位 | VOL | - | - | - | 0.1×VDD | V |
50%顯示畫面耗電流 | IDD | VDD =3V | - | 150 | 300 | mA |
No. | 符號 | 說明 |
1 | VDD | Power supply pin for core logic operation |
2 | VSS | Ground. |
3 | NC(GND) | No connection |
4~11 | D0~D7 | These pins are bi-directional data bus connecting to the MCU data bus. Unused pins are recommended to tie LOW. |
12 | CS# | This pin is the chip select input connecting to the MCU. The chip is enabled for MCU communication only when CS# is pulled LOW (active LOW). |
13 | NC(GND) | No connection |
14 | RES# | This pin is reset signal input. When the pin is pulled LOW, initialization of the chip is executed. Keep this pin pull HIGH during normal operation. |
15 | R/W# | This pin is read / write control input pin connecting to the MCU interface. When 6800 interface mode is selected, this pin will be used as Read/Write (R/W#) selection input. Read mode will be carried out when this pin is pulled HIGH and write mode when LOW. |
16 | D/C# | This pin is Data/Command control pin connecting to the MCU. When the pin is pulled HIGH, the data at D[7:0] will be interpreted as data. When the pin is pulled LOW, the data at D[7:0] will be transferred to a command register. |
17 | E | This pin is MCU interface input. When 6800 interface mode is selected, this pin will be used as the Enable (E) signal. |
18 | NC(GND) | No connection |
19 | DISP | No Connection |
20 | NC(GND) | No connection |
21 | TP_INT | Interrupt signal, active low, asserted to request Host start a new transaction |
22 | TP_SDA | I2C data signal |
23 | TP_SCL | I2C clock signal |
24 | TP_RST | External reset signal, active low |
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