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WEA012864AE是一款搭載PCB版,結構為COG的繪圖型OLED模組,其解析度為128x64 pixels,尺寸為1.54吋。這款OLED顯示器模組內建CH1116驅動 IC,支援4線SPI介面。模組驅動方式為1/64 duty。
Data source ref: WEA012864AEWAP3N00000
No. | 符號 | 功能說明 |
1 | GND | Ground |
2 | VCC | Power supply input |
3 | D0 | The serial clock input |
4 | D1 | The serial data input |
5 | RES# | This is a reset signal input pad. When RES# is set to "L", the settings are initialized. The reset operation is performed by the RES# signal level. |
6 | D/C# | This is the Data/Command control pad that determines whether the data bits are data or a command. D/C# ="H":the input at D1 is treated as display data D/C# ="L":the input at D1 is transferred to the command registers. |
7 | CS# | This pad is the chip select input. When CS# ="L", then the chip select becomes active, and data/command I/O is enabled. |
項目 | 規格說明 | 單位 |
點陣(解析度) | 128 × 64 | - |
模組尺寸 | 42.4 x 38.0 x 5.36 (MAX) | mm |
有效區域(AA) | 35.05 × 17.51 | mm |
像素大小 | 0.249 × 0.249 | mm |
像素間距 | 0.274 × 0.274 | mm |
顯示模式 | Passive Matrix 被動矩陣 | |
顯示顏色 | 單色 | |
驅動方式 | 1/64 Duty | |
IC | CH1116 | |
介面 | 4線 SPI | |
尺寸 | 1.54 吋 |
參數 | 符號 | 最小值 | 最大值 | 單位 |
顯示電源電壓 | VCC | 0 | 7 | V |
工作溫度 | TOP | -40 | +80 | °C |
儲存溫度 | TSTG | -40 | +85 | °C |
項目 | 符號 | 條件 | 最小值 | 典型值 | 最大值 | 單位 |
邏輯電源電壓 | VCC | - | 2.8 | 3.0 | 5.5 | V |
輸入高準位 | VIH | - | 0.8×VCC | - | VCC | V |
輸入低準位 | VIL | - | VSS | - | 0.2×VCC | V |
輸出高準位 | VOH | - | 0.8×VCC | - | VCC | V |
輸出低準位 | VOL | - | VSS | - | 0.2×VCC | V |
顯示 50% 像素 | ICC | VCC =3.0V | - | 60 | 120 | mA |
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