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WF39QTIBSDBG0是3.9寸 Bar TFT的衍生性产品,此款产品属于华凌TFT Q系列的产品含SSD1963控制板,具Winstar Q系列的产品特色,在SSD1963控制板上包含一个整合性统一脚位出pin的36-pin的connector 连接器在模块上。WF39QTIBSDBG0型号面板分辨率480x128像素,此款TFT含电容式触控面板(PCAP),模块支持8080 MPU 8bit/16bit 接口(MCU interface)。 触控面板的IC使用CYTMA568或是兼容IC, 与其他Winstar Q系列产品相同,第33到36 pin脚位都预设定义为背光电源输入。
WF39QTIBSDBG0含PCAP触控面板,亮度为400 nits,对比度500:1。此款模块因为含PCB板,模块外观尺寸与单色STN的WH1602L1相仿都是122.0 x 44.0 mm (PCB outline),所以WF39Q含控制板的产品是单色STN升级为彩色TFT的最佳选择。
Pin | 符号 | 功能说明 |
1 | GND | System round pin of the IC. Connect to system ground. |
2 | VDD | Power Supply : +3.3V |
3 | BL_E | Backlight control signal , H: On \ L: Off |
4 | D/C | Data/Command select |
5 | WR | Write strobe signal |
6 | RD | Read strobe signal |
7 | DB0 | Data bus |
8 | DB1 | Data bus |
9 | DB2 | Data bus |
10 | DB3 | Data bus |
11 | DB4 | Data bus |
12 | DB5 | Data bus |
13 | DB6 | Data bus |
14 | DB7 | Data bus |
15 | DB8 | Data bus (When select 8bits mode, this pin is NC) |
16 | DB9 | Data bus (When select 8bits mode, this pin is NC) |
17 | DB10 | Data bus (When select 8bits mode, this pin is NC) |
18 | DB11 | Data bus (When select 8bits mode, this pin is NC) |
19 | DB12 | Data bus (When select 8bits mode, this pin is NC) |
20 | DB13 | Data bus (When select 8bits mode, this pin is NC) |
21 | DB14 | Data bus (When select 8bits mode, this pin is NC) |
22 | DB15 | Data bus (When select 8bits mode, this pin is NC) |
23 | NC | No connect |
24 | NC | No connect |
25 | CS | Chip select |
26 | RESET | Hardware reset |
27 | DISP_ON | Display on/off control |
28 | NC | No connect |
29 | NC | No connect |
30 | NC | No connect |
31 | NC | No connect |
32 | NC | No connect |
33 | VLED- | VLED- for B/L LED inverter (GND) |
34 | VLED- | VLED- for B/L LED inverter (GND) |
35 | VLED+ | VLED+ for B/L LED inverter (+5V) |
36 | VLED+ | VLED+ for B/L LED inverter (+5V) |
Pin | 符号 | 功能说明 |
1 | VSS | Ground for analog circuit |
2 | VDDT | Power Supply : +3.0V |
3 | SCL | I2C clock inputI2C clock input |
4 | NC | No connect |
5 | SDA | I2C data input and output |
6 | NC | No connect |
7 | /RST | External Reset, Low is active |
8 | NC | No connect |
9 | /INT | External interrupt to the host |
10 | VSS | Ground for analog circuit |
项目 | 规格 | 单位 |
尺寸 (对角线) | 3.9 | 寸 |
点阵 (分辨率) | 480 × 128 × RGB (TFT) | dots |
模块尺寸 | 122.0 × 44.0 × 9.8(max) | mm |
有效区域 | 95.04 × 25.34 | mm |
像素间距 | 0.066(W) × 0.198(H) | mm |
LCD类型 | TFT, 平常白, 透射式 | |
视角 | 12点钟方向 | |
灰阶反转 | 6点钟方向 | |
长宽比 | Bar Type | |
驱动IC | SSD1963 | |
TFT 接口 | Digital 8080 family MPU 8bit/16bit | |
PCAP IC | CYTMA568 Or Equal | |
PCAP FW 版本 | TBD | |
背光类型 | LED, 平常白 | |
色彩排列 | RGB-STRIPE | |
触控面板 | PCAP | |
表面 | 亮面 |
项目 | 符号 | 最小值 | 典型值 | 最大值 | 单位 |
工作温度 | TOP | -20 | - | +70 | ℃ |
储存温度 | TST | -30 | - | +80 | ℃ |
项目 | 符号 | 最小值 | 典型值 | 最大值 | 单位 |
LCM供电电压 | VDD | 3.0 | 3.1 | 3.3 | V |
LCM供电电流 | IDD | — | 200 | — | mA |
PCAP电源电压 | VDDT | 2.8 | - | 3.3 | V |
PCAP电源电流 | IDDT | — | 35 | — | mA |
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