首页 产品介绍 COG液晶模块 WO240128B

240x128 COG LCD液晶显示器

型号 WO240128B

►COG LCD显示模块
►IC: ST7586S
►1/128 duty cycle


WO240128B单色COG LCD液晶显示器是一款240x128点阵式4.8吋的绘图型模组。 WO240128B内建ST7586S 控制器IC, 支援多种传输介面: 6800 8-bit, 8080 8-bit 平行介面与3-线9-bit /4-线8-bit 串列SPI介面。 WO240128B为COG结构模组,其VA区尺寸以及AA区尺寸与现有华凌标准品COB结构的WG240128B相同,但WO240128B为COG结构,所以模组厚度较薄,外形轻巧,具有低功耗,低供电等特点,客户若有需求4.8吋模组的新案开发,建议可采用此WO240128B模组。

WO240128B的工作温度是-20℃至+70℃,储存温度-30℃至+80℃,此型号目前有STN Negative 负显, 与FSTN positive正显两种玻璃可供选择,可搭配LED白光,如有需求其他LCD或是LED背光组合可与我们联系。


Chip on Glass  LCD Module 240x128 - WO240128B
Data source ref:WO240128B-TFH#



Pin No. 符号 说明
1 ESD GND Electro-Static discharge
2 VG VG is the power of SEG-drivers
3 XV0 Negative operating voltage of COM-drivers
4 V0 Positive operating voltage of COM-drivers
5 VM VM is the non-select voltage level of COM-drivers.
6 VDDA Power supply
7 VSS Ground
8 VD1 Digital power source selection.
9 VDDI VDD1 is the power of interface I/O circuit
10 CSB Chip select input pin
CSB=“L”: This chip is selected and the MPU interface is active
CSB=“H”: This chip is not selected and the MPU interface is disabled
(D[7:0] are high impedance)
11 IF3 These pins select interface operation mode.
IF3 IF2 IF1 MPU interface type
H H L 80 series 8-bit parallel
H L L 68 series 8-bit parallel
L H H 8-bit serial (4-Line)
L H L 9-bit serial (3-Line)
12 IF2
13 IF1
14 RSTB Reset input pin. When RSTB is “L”, internal initialization procedure is executed.
15 /RD(E) Read / Write execution control pin. (This pin is only used in parallel interface)
MPU Type ERD Descriptin
6800-series ERD Read/Write control input pin
R/W = "H" When E is "H", data bus is in output status.
R/W = "L" The data are lunched at the failling edge of the E signal.
8080-series /RD Read enable inputpin.
When /RD is "L". Data bus is in output status.
16~23 D7~D0 The bi-directional data bus of the MPU interface. When CSB is “H”, they are high impedance.
If using serial interface:
D0 is the SDA signal in 4-Line & 3-Line interface.
D1 is the A0 signal in 4-Line interface
24 /WR/(R/W) Read / Write execution control pin. (This pin is only used in parallel interface
MPU Type RWR Descriptin
6800-series R/W Read/Write control input pin
R/W = "H" : Read
R/W = "L" : write
8080-series /WR Write enable clock input pin.
The data are layched at the rising edge of the /WR signal.
This pin is not used in serial interfaces and should be connected to VDD1
25 A0(SCL) The function of this pin is different in parallel and serial interface
In parallel interface: A0 is register selection input
A0 = "H": inputs on data bus are display data
A0 = "L": inputs on data bus are command
In serial interface: this pad will be used as SCL (serial-clock) input
26 ESD GND Electro-Static discharge


项目 标准尺寸 单位
点阵(分辨率) 240 x 128
模块尺寸 122.2 x 79.8 x 6.5 (MAX) mm
检视区域 114.0 x 64.0 mm
有效区域 107.98 x 57.58 mm
点大小 0.43 x 0.43 mm
点间距 0.45 x 0.45 mm
驱动方式 1/128D,1/12B
背光类型 LED
IC ST7586S
接口 6800/8080/3-Line/4-Line


项目 符号 最小值 典型值 最大值 单位
工作温度 TOP -20 +70
储存温度 TST -30 +80
LCD数位电源电压 VDDI -0.3 3.6 V
类比电源电压 VDDA -0.3 3.6 V
LCD供电电压 V0-XV0 -0.3 19 V
LCD供电电压 VG -0.3 5.5 V


项目 符号 条件 最小值 典型值 最大值 单位
逻辑电源电压 VDD-VSS 3.0 3.3 3.6 V
LCM电源电压 VDD-V0 Ta=-20℃



输入高电压 VIH 0.7VDD VDD V
输入低电压 VIL VSS 0.3VDD V
输出高电压 VOH 0.8VDD VDD V
输出低电压 VOL VSS 0.2VDD V
电源电流(不包括LED背光) IDD VDD=3.3V 2.0 4.0 mA

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