ホーム 製品 COG LCD 表示器 WO12864H

COG 液晶表示器 128x64

型番 WO12864H

►解像度(W×H)ドット: 128x64
►IC: ST7567
►1/65 duty cycle, 1/9 bias
►インターフェース: 6800/8080/SPI


Winstar Display は新しいCOG グラフィック 128*64 標準品 LCDモジュールを発表いたします。 本モジュールは寸法が80.0 x 54.0 mmで、 VAサイズが70.7 x 38.8 mmです。


Monochrome 128x64 COG Display - WO12864H
Data source ref:WO12864H-TFH#



Pin No. 記号 Level 説明
1 PSB I PSB selects the interface type: Serial or Parallel.
2 C86 I C86 selects the microprocessor type in parallel interface mode.
PSB C86 Selected Interface
“H” “H” Parallel 6800 Series MPU Interface
“H” “L” Parallel 8080 Series MPU Interface
“L” “X” Serial 4-Line SPI Interface
Please refer to “APPLICATION NOTES” and “Microprocessor Interface”(Section 6) for detailed connection of the selected interface.
3 VG Power VG is the LCD driving voltage for segment circuits.
4 XV0 Power XV0 is the LCD driving voltage for common circuits at positive frame.
5 V0 Power V0 is the LCD driving voltage for common circuits at negative frame.
6 VSS Power This is a 0V terminal connected to the system GND.
7 VDD Power Shared with the MPU power supply terminal VDD. ( 3.3 V )
8-15 D7-D0 I/O When using 8-bit parallel interface: (6800 or 8080 mode)
8-bit bi-directional data bus. Connect to the data bus of 8-bit microprocessor.
When CSB is non-active (CSB=“H”), D[7:0] pins are high impedance.
I When using serial interface: 4-LINE
D7=SDA : Serial data input.
D6=SCL : Serial clock input.
D[5:0] are not used and should connect to “H” by VDD1 or VDDH.
When CSB is non-active (CSB=“H”), D[7:0] pins are high impedance.
16 ERD I Read/Write execution control pin. When PSB is “H”,
C86 MPU Type ERD Descriptiion
H 6800 series E Read/Write control input pin.
R/W="H":When E is "H",D[7:0] are in output mode.
R/W="L":Signais on D[7:0] are latched at the failing edge of E signal.
L 8080 series /RD Read enble input pin.
When /RD is "L",D[7:0] are in output mode.
ERD is not used in serial interface and should fix to “H” by VDD1 or VDDH.
17 RWR I Read/Write execution control pin. When PSB is “H”,
C86 MPU Type RWR Descriptiion
H 6800 series R/W Read/Write control input pin.
L 8080 series /WR Write enble input pin.
Signals on D[7:0] will be latched at the rising edge of /WR signal.
RWR is not used in serial interface and should fix to “H” by VDD1 or VDDH.
18 A0 I It determines whether the access is related to data or command.
A0=“H” : Indicates that signals on D[7:0] are display data.
A0=“L” : Indicates that signals on D[7:0] are command.
19 RSTB I Hardware reset input pin. When RSTB is “L”, internal initialization is executed and the internal registers will be initialized.
20 CSB I Chip select input pin. Interface access is enabled when CSB is “L”.When CSB is non-active (CSB=“H”), D[7:0] pins are high impedance.


項目 標準値 単位
ドットマトリックス(解像度) 128 x 64
モジュールサイズ 80.0 x 54.0 x 9.5 mm
表示エリア 70.7 x 38.8 mm
有効エリア 66.52 x 33.24 mm
ドットサイズ 0.48 x 0.48 mm
ドットピッチ 0.52 x 0.52 mm
駆動方法 1/64 , 1/9 Bias
バックライトタイプ LED
IC ST7567
Supply Current(No include LED Backlight) 6800/8080/4-Line SPI


項目 記号 最小値 典型値 最大値 単位
操作温度 TOP -20 +70
保存温度 TST -30 +80
入力電圧 VI -0.3 VDD+0.3 V
デジタル電源電圧 VDD,VSS -0.3 3.6 V
LCD電源電圧 V0-XV0 -0.3 16 V


項目 記号 条件 最小値 典型値 最大値 単位
ロジック電源電圧 VDD-VSS 3.0 3.3 3.6 V
LCM供給電圧 XV0-V0 Ta=-20℃


高レベル入力電圧 VIH 0.7 VDD VDD V
低レベル入力電圧 VIL VSS 0.3VDD V
高レベル出力電圧 VOH 0.8VDD VDD V
低レベル出力電圧 VOL VSS 0.2VDD V
供給電流 IDD 2.0 mA

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