首頁 產品介紹 COG LCD顯示模組 WO12864A1

128x64 COG液晶屏

型號 WO12864A1

►COG LCD 顯示模組
►解析度: 128x64
►IC: ST7565P
►1/65 duty cycle
►介面: 6800/8080/SPI


Winstar WO12864A1 128x64 COG LCD Module
Data source ref:WO12864A1-TFH#



Pin No. 符號 Level 說明
1 P/S I This is the parallel data input/serial data input switch terminal.
2 C86 I This is the MPU interface switch terminal.
3 VR I Output voltage regulator terminal. Provides the voltage between VSS and V0 through a resistive voltage divider.
4~8 V0~V4 Power supply This is a multi-level power supply for the liquid crystal drive.
9 CAP2N O DC/DC voltage converter. Connect a capacitor between this terminal and the CAP2P terminal.
10 CAP2P O DC/DC voltage converter. Connect a capacitor between this terminal and the CAP2N terminal.
11 CAP1P O DC/DC voltage converter. Connect a capacitor between this terminal and the CAP1N terminal.
12 CAP1N O DC/DC voltage converter. Connect a capacitor between this terminal and the CAP1P terminal.
13 CAP3P O DC/DC voltage converter. Connect a capacitor between this terminal and the CAP1N terminal.
14 VOUT O DC/DC voltage converter. Connect a capacitor between this terminal and vss or VDD
15 VSS Power supply Ground
16 VDD Power supply Power supply
17~24 D7~D0 I/O This is an 8-bit bi-directional data bus that connects to an 8-bit or 16-bit standard MPU data bus.
25 /RD(E) I The data bus is in output status when this signal is “L”
26 /WR(R/W) I The data bus are latched at the rising edge of the WR signal
27 A0 I This is connect to the least significant bit of the Norman MPU address bus, and it determines whether the data bits are data or a command.
28 /RES I When RES is set to “L”, the setting are initialized.
29 /CS1 I This is the chip select signal.


項目 標準尺寸 單位
點陣(解析度) 128 x 64
模組尺寸 60.1 x 44.5 x 5.01(MAX) mm
檢視區域 54.6 x 32.0 mm
有效區域 49.89 x 27.49 mm
點大小 0.36 x 0.4 mm
點間距 0.39 x 0.43 mm
驅動方式 1/65 , 1/9 Bias
背光類型 LED
IC ST7565P
介面 6800/8080/4-Line SPI


項目 符號 最小值 典型值 最大值 單位
工作溫度 TOP -20 +70
儲存溫度 TST -30 +80
電源電壓 VDD -0.3 3.6 V
Power supply voltage (VDD standard) V0,VOUT -0.3 14.5 V
Power supply voltage (VDD standard) V1,V2,V3,V4 -0.3 V0+0.3 V


項目 符號 條件 最小值 典型值 最大值 單位
邏輯電源電壓 VDD-VSS 2.7 3.0 3.3 V
LCM電源電壓 V0-VSS Ta=-20℃



輸入高電壓 VIH 0.8 VDD VDD V
輸入低電壓 VIL VSS 0.2VDD V
輸出高電壓 VOH IOUT=-0.5mA 0.8VDD VDD V
輸出低電壓 VOL IOUT=0.5mA VSS 0.2VDD V
電源電流(不包括LED背光) IDD VDD=3.0V 0.1 2.0 mA

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