Ana sayfa Ürünler OLED Ekran Dokunmatik Ekran OLED WEO025664D-CTP

3.55" Kapasitif dokunmatik panelle birlikte OLED Ekran

Model No. WEO025664D-CTP

►Türü : Grafik
►Yapı : COG
►Boyut : 3.55 inç
►256×64 dot matrisi
►3V güç sağlayıcı
►1/64 görev döngüsü
►Ara yüz :6800, 8080, SPI
►Dokunmatik Ekran: Kapasitif dokunmatik panelle birlikte (CTP)
►Dokunma Noktaları : 1 Parmak
►OLED Rengi: Beyaz / Sarı
►Gri Tonlama Desteği


WEO025664D-CTP, 256x64 noktadan oluşan kapasitif dokunmatik panel içeren COG grafik 3,55 inç OLED ekranıdır. Modül, 6800/8080 8-bit ve 3-tel/4-tel SPI arayüzlerini destekleyen SSD1322 IC ile donatılmıştır. Ekran, 1/64 görev döngüsüne sahip 3V mantık voltajı ile 4-bit gri tonlamayı destekler. Bu WEO025664D-CTP model ayrıca FT6336U kapasitif dokunmatik panel IC'yi modüle entegre eder ve I2C arabirimini destekler; CTP için bir tespit noktasına sahiptir.

Bu OLED modülü, daha canlı ve daha derin siyahlar ile daha parlak beyazlara izin veren 10.000:1 yüksek kontrast oranı sunar. Bu, geliştirilmiş görüntü kalitesi, daha keskin detaylar ve artırılmış okunabilirlik sağlar.

Bu 3,55 inçlik Kapasitif OLED WEO025664D-CTP modeli, akıllı ev uygulamaları, akıllı teknoloji cihazları, enerji sistemleri, ölçüm cihazları, iletişim sistemleri, tıbbi aletler vb. için idealdir. Bu modül, -20°C ila 70°C arasında çalışabilir ve depolama sıcaklıkları -30°C ila 80°C aralığındadır.


3.55 inch OLED Display, Capacitive OLED, OLED Capacitive Touchscreen - WEO025664D-CTP

Data source ref: WEO025664DWPP3D00000


Arayüz Pin Fonksiyonlari

Pin Number Sembol I/O Fonksiyon
1 ESD_GND P Ground
2 VSS P Ground.
3 VCC P Power supply for panel driving voltage.
This is also the most positive power voltage supply pin.
4 VCOMH P COM signal deselected voltage level.
A capacitor should be connected between this pin and VSS.
5 VLSS P Analog system ground pin.
6~13 D7~D0 I/O Host Data Input/Output Bus
These pins are 8-bit bi-directional data bus to be connected to the microprocessor’s data bus.
When serial mode is selected, D1 will be the serial data input SDIN and D0 will be the serial clock input SCLK.
14 E/RD# I Read/Write Enable or Read
This pin is MCU interface input.
When interfacing to a 68XX-series microprocessor, this pin will be used as the Enable (E) signal. Read/write operation is initiated when this pin is pulled high and the CS# is pulled low.
When connecting to an 80XX-microprocessor, this pin receives the Read (RD#) signal. Data read operation is initiated when this pin is pulled low and CS# is pulled low.
When serial mode is selected, this pin must be connected to VSS.
15 R/W# I Read/Write Select or Write
This pin is MCU interface input. When interfacing to a 68XX-series microprocessor, this pin will be used as Read/Write (R/W#) selection input. Pull this pin to “High” for read mode and pull it to “Low” for write mode.
When 80XX interface mode is selected, this pin will be the Write (WR#) input. Data write operation is initiated when this pin is pulled low and the CS# is pulled low.
When serial mode is selected, this pin must be connected to VSS.
16 BS0 I Communicating Protocol Select
These pins are MCU interface selection input. See the following table:
BS[2:0] Interface
00 4 line SPI
01 3 line SPI
10 8-bit 8080 parallel
11 8-bit 6800 parallel
(1) 0 is connected to VSS
(2) 1 is connected to VDDIO
17 BS1

D/C# I Data/Command Control
This pin is Data/Command control pin connecting to the MCU.
When the pin is pulled HIGH, the content at D[7:0] will be interpreted as data.
When the pin is pulled LOW, the content at D[7:0] will be interpreted as command.
19 CS# I Data/Command Control
This pin is the chip select input connecting to the MCU. The chip is enabled for MCU communication only when CS# is pulled LOW.
20 RES# I This pin is reset signal input.
When the pin is pulled LOW, initialization of the chip is executed.
Keep this pin pull HIGH during normal operation.
21 FR O This pin is No Connection pins. Nothing should be connected to this pin. This pin should be left open individually.
22 IREF I Current Reference for Brightness Adjustment
This pin is segment current reference pin. A resistor should be connected between this pin and VSS. Set the current lower than 10uA.
23 N.C. - Reserved Pin
The N.C. pin between function pins are reserved for compatible and flexible design.
24 VDDIO P Power Supply for I/O Pin
It should be matched with the MCU interface voltage level.
25 VDD P Power Supply for Core Logic Circuit
Power supply pin for core logic operation. A capacitor is required to connect between this pin and VSS
26 VCI P Power Supply for Operation
VCI must always be equal to or higher than VDD and VDDIO.
27 VSL P Voltage Output Low Level for SEG Signal
This is segment voltage reference pin.
When external VSL is not used, this pin should be left open.
When external VSL is used, this pin should connect with resistor and diode to ground.
28 VLSS P Ground of Analog Circuit
These are the analog ground pins. They should be connected to VSS externally.
29 VCC P Power Supply for OLED Panel
These are the most positive voltage supply pin of the chip. They must be connected to external source.
30 ESD GND P Ground

CTP Pin Fonksiyonlari

1 GND Ground
2 VDD Power Supply Voltage of CTP
3 INT External interrupt to the host
4 SDA I2C data input and output
5 SCL I2C clock input
6 RST External Reset, Low is active
7-10 GND Ground.

Mekanik Veri

Kalem Ölçü Birim
Nokta Matrisi 256 x 64 Dots
Modül ölçüleri 100.4 × 36.1 × 3.34 mm
Aktif alan 87.52 × 21.28 mm
Nokta boyutu 0.312 × 0.303 mm
Nokta sıklığı 0.342 × 0.333 mm
Display Mode Pasif Matrisli
Display Color Monokrom
Drive Duty 1/64 Duty
Gri Tonlama 4 bits
OLED Arayüz 6800, 8080, SPI
Boyut (Köşegen) 3.55 inç
Dokunma Noktaları 1
CTP Arayüz I2C
Yüzey Parlama

Maksimum Değerler

Maksimum Değerler

Parameter Sembol Minumum Deger Maksimum Deger Birim
Supply Voltage for Operation VCI -0.3 4 V
Supply Voltage for Logic VDD -0.5 2.75 V
Supply Voltage for I/O Pins VDDIO -0.5 VCI V
Supply Voltage for Display VCC -0.5 20 V
Çalışma Sıcaklığı TOP -20 +70 °C
Saklama Sıcaklığı TSTG -30 +80 °C

Dokunmatik Panel kontrol FT6336U

Parameter Sembol Minumum Deger Maksimum Deger Birim
Power Supply Voltage VDD -0.3 3.6 V

Elektronik Özellikleri

DC Elektronik Özellikleri

Kalem Sembol Durum Minumum Deger Tipik Deger Maksimum Deger Birim
Low Voltage power supply VCI 3.1 3.3 3.5 V
Supply Voltage for Display VCC 15.5 16.0 16.5 V
Logic supply voltage VDD 2.4 2.6 V
Power for I/O pins VDDIO 1.65   VCI V
High Level Input VIH 0.8×VDDIO VDDIO V
Low Level Input VIL 0 0.2×VDDIO V
High Level Output VOH 0.9×VDDIO VDDIO V
Low Level Output VOL 0 0.1×VDDIO V
50% Check Board operating Current VCC =16V 35 55 mA

Dokunmatik Panel kontrol FT6336U

Kalem Sembol Durum Minumum Deger Tipik Deger Maksimum Deger Birim
Supply Voltage VDD   2.8 3.0 3.3 V
Input High Volt. VIH   0.7xVDD VDD V
Input Low Volt. VIL   -0.3 0.3×VDD V
Output High Volt. VOH IOH = -0.1mA 0.7xVDD V
Output Low Volt. VOL IOH = 0.1mA 0.3×VDD V

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