Home Prodotti Display OLED Display OLED Grafici WEO012832P

128x32,OLED Grafici 1.71"

Modello numero WEO012832P

►Tipo: grafico
►Struttura: COG
►Dimensione: 1.71 pollici
►128 x 32 a matrice di punti
►Alimentatore 3V
►1/32 duty
►Interfaccia: SPI, I2C
►Colore display: Bianco / Giallo





Data source ref: WEO012832PWAP3N00000


Dati meccanici

Articolo Dimensioni Unità
A matrice di punti 128 × 32 Dots
Dimensione del modulo 50.50 × 15.75 × 2.01 mm
Area attiva 42.22 × 10.54 mm
Dimensioni del Dot 0.308 × 0.308 mm
Passo del Dot 0.33 × 0.33 mm
Modalità display Matrice passiva
Colore display Monocromatici
Drive Duty 1/32 Duty
IC CH1115
Interfaccia SPI, I2C
Dimensione 1.71 pollici

Valori massimi assoluti

Parameter Simbolo Valore Min Valore massimo Unità
Supply Voltage for Logic VDD -0.3 3.6 V
Supply Voltage for Display VPP -0.3 14.5 V
Operating Temperature TOP -40 +80 °C
Storage Temperature TSTG -40 +85 °C

Caratteristiche elettriche

Articolo Simbolo Condizione Valore Min Valore tipico Valore massimo Unità
Supply Voltage for Logic VDD 1.65 3.0 3.3 V
Supply Voltage for Display VPP 6.4 12.0 12.5 V
High Level Input VIH 0.8×VDD VDD V
Low Level Input VIL VSS 0.2×VDD V
High Level Output VOH 0.8×VDD VDD V
Low Level Output VOL VSS 0.2×VDD V
Display 50% Pixel on IPP VPP=12V 5 10 mA

Funzione dei Pin di Interfaccia

No. Simbolo Funzione
1 ESD_GND ESD Ground pin
2 VPP OLED panel power supply.
3 VSS This is a ground pin.
4 VSS This is a ground pin.
5 VDD Power Supply for Logic
6 __
This pad is the chip select input. When /CS = “L”, then the chip select becomes active, and data/command I/O is enabled.
7 ___
This is a reset signal input pad. When /RES is set to “L”, the settings are initialized. The reset operation is performed by the /RES signal level.
8 A0 This is the Data/Command control pad that determines whether the data bits are data or a command.
In I2C interface, this pad serves as SA0 to distinguish the different address of OLED driver.
9 SCL The serial clock input pad
10 SI/SDA The serial data input pad
11 NC Dummy Pin
12 IREF This is a segment current reference pad. A resistor should be connected between this pad and VSS. Set the current at 18.75μA.
13 VCOMH The pin is for COM signal deselected voltage level.
A capacitor should be connected between this pin and VSS.
14 VPP OLED panel power supply.
15 IM0 These are the MPU interface mode select pads.
IM0 1 0 0
IM1 0 0 1
16 IM1
17 VSS This is a ground pin.
18 ESD_GND ESD Ground pin

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