首頁 最新消息 PCN/EOL 華凌光電產品變更通知
日期 January 21,2019


Winstar Display LOGO



Issue Date : Jan. 19, 2019


Description of change

  • Due to the production line change from Line 1 to Line 2 and to optimize the product.
  • Our part number WEH002004A/B series and WEG010032A/B series will have following exterior change.
  • The outline dimension, function, and the electrical characteristics remains the same.
  • Full electrical characterization and reliability testing has been completed on representative part numbers to ensure there is no change to product reliability, functionality or electrical specifications in the datasheet.

    Module Drawing Comparison

    Module Drawing Comparison


    Expected Implementation Date : Feb. 1, 2019
    Change Type : Running change
    Last order date for previous version : end of March 2019
    Timing of shipment of the changed part will vary depending on customer demand and inventory levels. Both of old and new versions will be available for the time being. And one shipment one type only to be allowed.

    For the corresponding full part numbers, please contact your sales window or email to [email protected].


    Thank you for your understanding and support.


    Best regards,

    John Lin

    John Lin
    Vice President of Sales Dept.
    WINSTAR Display Co., Ltd.

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