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华凌型号WO12864H STN COG图形液晶屏模块128*64,外形尺寸为80.0 x 54.0 mm, AA区尺寸为66.52 x 33.24 mm。 WO12864H内置一颗ST7567 controller IC,此模块支援6800/8080与SPI接口。 WO12864H的操作温度是-20℃ to +70℃,储存温度为-30℃ to +80℃。此模块为COG结构,外形轻巧,低功耗,低供电等特点,适用于小型电子产品、手持产品等。
Pin No. | 符号 | Level | 说明 | ||||||||||||
1 | PSB | I | PSB selects the interface type: Serial or Parallel. | ||||||||||||
2 | C86 | I | C86 selects the microprocessor type in parallel interface mode.
3 | VG | Power | VG is the LCD driving voltage for segment circuits. | ||||||||||||
4 | XV0 | Power | XV0 is the LCD driving voltage for common circuits at positive frame. | ||||||||||||
5 | V0 | Power | V0 is the LCD driving voltage for common circuits at negative frame. | ||||||||||||
6 | VSS | Power | This is a 0V terminal connected to the system GND. | ||||||||||||
7 | VDD | Power | Shared with the MPU power supply terminal VDD. ( 3.3 V ) | ||||||||||||
8-15 | D7-D0 | I/O | When using 8-bit parallel interface: (6800 or 8080 mode) 8-bit bi-directional data bus. Connect to the data bus of 8-bit microprocessor. When CSB is non-active (CSB=“H”), D[7:0] pins are high impedance. |
I | When using serial interface: 4-LINE D7=SDA : Serial data input. D6=SCL : Serial clock input. D[5:0] are not used and should connect to “H” by VDD1 or VDDH. When CSB is non-active (CSB=“H”), D[7:0] pins are high impedance. |
16 | ERD | I | Read/Write execution control pin. When PSB is “H”,
17 | RWR | I | Read/Write execution control pin. When PSB is “H”,
18 | A0 | I | It determines whether the access is related to data or command. A0=“H” : Indicates that signals on D[7:0] are display data. A0=“L” : Indicates that signals on D[7:0] are command. |
19 | RSTB | I | Hardware reset input pin. When RSTB is “L”, internal initialization is executed and the internal registers will be initialized. | ||||||||||||
20 | CSB | I | Chip select input pin. Interface access is enabled when CSB is “L”.When CSB is non-active (CSB=“H”), D[7:0] pins are high impedance. |
项目 | 标准尺寸 | 单位 |
点阵(分辨率) | 128 x 64 | - |
模块尺寸 | 80.0 x 54.0 x 9.5 | mm |
检视区域 | 70.7 x 38.8 | mm |
有效区域 | 66.52 x 33.24 | mm |
点大小 | 0.48 x 0.48 | mm |
点间距 | 0.52 x 0.52 | mm |
驱动方式 | 1/64 , 1/9 Bias | |
背光类型 | LED | |
IC | ST7567 | |
接口 | 6800/8080/4-Line SPI |
项目 | 符号 | 最小值 | 典型值 | 最大值 | 单位 |
工作温度 | TOP | -20 | - | +70 | ℃ |
储存温度 | TST | -30 | - | +80 | ℃ |
输入电压 | VI | -0.3 | - | VDD+0.3 | V |
数位电源电压 | VDD,VSS | -0.3 | - | 3.6 | V |
LCD供电电压 | V0-XV0 | -0.3 | - | 16 | V |
项目 | 符号 | 条件 | 最小值 | 典型值 | 最大值 | 单位 |
逻辑电源电压 | VDD-VSS | - | 3.0 | 3.3 | 3.6 | V |
LCM电源电压 | XV0-V0 | Ta=-20℃ Ta=25℃ Ta=70℃ |
- - - |
- 10.0 - |
- - - |
V V V |
输入高电压 | VIH | - | 0.7 VDD | - | VDD | V |
输入低电压 | VIL | - | VSS | - | 0.3VDD | V |
输出高电压 | VOH | - | 0.8VDD | - | VDD | V |
输出低电压 | VOL | - | VSS | - | 0.2VDD | V |
供电电流(不包括LED背光) | IDD | - | - | 2.0 | - | mA |
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