제품 OLED 디스플레이 캐릭터 OLED 디스플레이 WEO001602H

16x2 WS0012 IC COG 1.23" OLED 모듈 디스플레이

모델 번호 WEO001602H

►유형 : 캐릭터
►구조 : COG
►16 문자 x 2 라인
►3.3V 전원 공급 장치
►1/16 duty
►인터페이스 : 6800, 8080, SPI, I2C
►디스플레이 색상: 백색 / 노란색



WS0012 OLED, 16x2 COG 1.23 inch OLED Character Display with WS0012 IC - WEO001602H
Data source ref: WEO001602HWPP3N00000


인터페이스 핀 기능


Pin No. 기호 Pin Type 기능
1 GND P Ground Pin
2 V16 I This is the most positive voltage supply pin of the chip. It can be supplied externally or generated internally by using internal DC-DC voltage converter.
3 VCI P DCDC buffer Power Supply
4 GND P Ground Pin
5 VCC P Power Pin
6 BVR I Brightness control pin. It should be connected to VCC.
7 DVR I Pre charge time control. It should be connected to VCC.
8 VBREF O This pin is the internal voltage reference of DCDC1 circuit. A stabilization capacitor should be connected between this pin and GND
9 RESE I NMOS source input pin:
This pin connects to the source current pin of the external NMOS of the booster circuit.
10 GDR O Gate drive pulse output pin:
This output pin drives the gate of external NMOS of the booster circuit.
11 FB I Feedback voltage input pin:
This pin is the feedback resistor input of the booster circuit. It is used to adjust the booster output voltage level.
12 VDD P Power Pin (connect to stabilization capacitor)
13 IM1 I Interface selection
IM1 IM0 Interface
L L 6800-series
L H 8080-series
14 IM0 I
15 RESETB I Reset pin
16 RS I Register Select Input Pin
When this pin is set to "0", it is used as an Instruction Register.
When this pin is set to "1", it is used for as the Data Register.
17 CSB I Chip select input pins
Data / instruction I/O is enabled only when CSB is “L”.
18 RDB I Read / Write execution control pin
MPU Type RDB Description
6800-series E Read / Write control input pin
- RW = “H”: When E is “H”, DB0 to DB7 are in an output status.
- RW = “L”: The data on DB0 to DB7 are latched at the falling edge the E signal.
8080-series RDB Read enable clock input pin
When / RDB is “L”, DB0 to DB7 are in an output status.
19 WRB I Read / Write execution control pin
MPU Type WRB Description
6800-series RW Read / Write control input pin
- RW = “H” : read
- RW = “L” : write
8080-series WRB Write enable clock input pin.
The data on DB0 to DB7 are latched at the rising edge of the /WRB signal.
20 SDA I/O SDA is the serial data input for I2C.
21 SDC I/O SDC is the serial clock input/output for I2C.
22~25 DB7~DB4 I/O High Order Bidirectional Data I/O Pins
These pins are used for data transfer and reception between the MPU and WS0012.
When SPI is selected, DB5 will be the serial clock input: SCL
DB7 will be the serial data input: SDI.
DB6 will be the serial data output: SDO.
26~29 DB3~DB0 I/O Low Order Bidirectional Data I/O Pins
These pins are used for data transfer and reception between the MPU and WS0012.
These pins are not used during a 4-bit operation.
30 GND P Ground Pin

기계적 데이터

항목 치수 단위
디스플레이 형식 16 문자 x 2 라인
모듈 치수 39.1 x 15.8 x 2.01 mm
보기 영역 32.69 x 7.94 mm
활성 영역 30.69 x 5.94 mm
도트 크기 0.297 x 0.315 mm
도트 피치 0.342 x 0.36 mm
캐릭터 크기 1.66 x 2.835 mm
캐릭터 피치 1.935 x 3.105 mm
Panel type OLED , Monochrome
Duty 1/16
IC WS0012
인터페이스 6800, 8080, SPI, I2C
크기 1.23 인치

절대 최대 정격값


항목 기호 최소값 최대값 단위
작동 온도 TOP -40 +80 °C
보관 온도 TST -40 +85 °C
Supply Voltage For Logic VCC -0.3 3.6 V
Supply Voltage For DCDC converter VCI -0.3 3.6 V
Supply Voltage for Display V16 -0.3 19.0 V

전기적 특성

DC 전기적 특성

항목 기호 조건 최소값 대표값 최대값 단위
Supply Voltage For Logic VCC 2.6 3.3 3.5 V
Supply Voltage For DCDC converter VCI 2.6 3.3 3.5 V
Supply Voltage for Display V16 12.5 13.0 V
Input High Volt. VIH 0.9xVCC VCC V
Input Low Volt. VIL GND 0.1xVCC V
Output High Volt. VOH IOH=-0.5mA 0.8xVCC VCC V
Output Low Volt. VOL IOL=0.5mA GND 0.2xVCC V
50% Checkerboard
Operating Current
I16 V16=12.5V 2 4 mA


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