Strona główna Produkty Wyświetlacz COG WO12864C2

Wyświetlacz COG 128x64

Numer modelu WO12864C2

►COG LCD 128x64
►wyświetlacz LCD graficzny
►IC: ST7565P
►zasilanie 3.3V
►cykl wypełnienia 1/64
►Interfejs : 6800/8080/SPI


Winstar Chip-on-Glass LCD Module 128x64 - WO12864C2
Data source ref:WO12864C2-TFH#


Funkcja pinów interfejsu

Pin No. Symbol Level Opis
1 IRS I This terminal selects the resistors for the V0 voltage level adjustment.
IRS = “H”: Use the internal resistors
IRS = “L”: Do not use the internal resistors. The V0 voltage level is


regulated by an external resistive voltage divider attached to the VR terminal
2 /HPM I This is the power control terminal for the power supply circuit for liquid crystal drive.
/HPM = “H”: Normal mode
/HPM = “L”: High power mode (Default)
3 P/S I This is the parallel data input/serial data input switch terminal.
P/S = “H”: Parallel data input.
P/S = “L”: Serial data input.
The following applies depending on the P/S status:
P/S Data/Command Data Read/Write Serial Clock
"H" A0 D0 to D7 /RD,/WR X
"L" A0 SI(D7) Write only SCL(D6)
When P/S = “L”, D0 to D5 fixed “H”.
/RD (E) and /WR (R/W) are fixed to either “H” or “L”.
With serial data input, It is impossible read data from RAM
4 C86 I This is the MPU interface selection pin.
C86 = “H”: 6800 Series MPU interface.
C86 = “L”: 8080 Series MPU interface
5 VR I Output voltage regulator terminal. Provides the voltage between VSS and V0 through a resistive voltage divider.
IRS = “L” : the V0 voltage regulator internal resistors are not used.
IRS = “H” : the V0 voltage regulator internal resistors are used.
6~10 V0~V4 Power supply This is a multi-level power supply for the liquid crystal drive.
11 VRS Power supply This is the internal-output VREG power supply for the LCD power supply voltage regulator
12 CAP4+ O DC/DC voltage converter.
13 CAP2- O DC/DC voltage converter. Connect a capacitor between this terminal and the CAP2P terminal.
14 CAP2+ O DC/DC voltage converter. Connect a capacitor between this terminal and the CAP2N terminal.
15 CAP1+ O DC/DC voltage converter. Connect a capacitor between this terminal and the CAP1N terminal.
16 CAP1- O DC/DC voltage converter. Connect a capacitor between this terminal and the CAP1P terminal.
17 CAP3+ O DC/DC voltage converter. Connect a capacitor between this terminal and the CAP1N terminal.
18 CAP5+ O DC/DC voltage converter.
19 VOUT O DC/DC voltage converter. Connect a capacitor between this terminal and vss or VDD
20 VSS Power supply Ground
21 VDD Power supply Power supply
22~29 D7~D0 I/O Data bus line
30 /RD(E) I • When connected to 8080 series MPU, this pin is treated as the “/RD” signal of the 8080 MPU and is LOW-active.
The data bus is in an output status when this signal is “L”.
• When connected to 6800 series MPU, this pin is treated as the “E” signal of the 6800 MPU and is HIGH-active.
This is the enable clock input terminal of the 6800 Series MPU.
31 /WR(R/W) I

• When connected to 8080 series MPU, this pin is treated as the “/WR” signal of the 8080 MPU and is LOW-active.
The signals on the data bus are latched at the rising edge of the /WR signal.
• When connected to 6800 series MPU, this pin is treated as the “R/W” signal of the 6800 MPU and decides the access type :
When R/W = “H”: Read.
When R/W = “L”: Write.

32 A0 I This is connect to the least significant bit of the normal MPU address bus, and it determines whether the data bits are data or command.
A0 = “H”: Indicates that D0 to D7 are display data.
A0 = “L”: Indicates that D0 to D7 are control data.
33 /RES I When RES is set to “L”, the setting are initialized.
34 /CS1 I This is the chip select signal.

Dane mechaniczne

Rzecz Wymiar Jednostka
Number of Dots 128 x 64
Wymiary modułu 55.2 x 39.8 x 6.5 mm
Obszar widoczny 45.2 x 27.0 mm
Obszar aktywny 40.92 x 24.28 mm
Wielkość piksela 0.28 x 0.34 mm
Raster pomiędzy pikselami 0.32 x 0.38 mm
Duty 1/65 , 1/9 Bias
Rodzaj podświetlenia LED
IC ST7565P
Interfejs 6800/8080/4-Line SPI

Absolute Maksymalna wartośćimum Ratings

Rzecz Symbol Minimalna wartość Typowa wartość Maksymalna wartość Jednostka
Temperatura pracy TOP -20 +70
Temperatura przechowywania TST -30 +80
Power Supply Voltage VDD -0.3 3.6 V
Power supply voltage (VDD standard) V0,VOUT -0.3 14.5 V
Power supply voltage (VDD standard) V1,V2,V3,V4 -0.3 V0+0.3 V

Parametry elektryczne

Rzecz Symbol Stan Minimalna wartość Typowa wartość Maksymalna wartość Jednostka
Supply Voltage For Logic VDD-VSS 2.7 3.0 3.3 V
Supply Voltage For LCM V0-VSS Ta=-20℃



Input High Volt. VIH 0.8 VDD VDD V
Input Low Volt. VIL VSS 0.2VDD V
Output High Volt. VOH 0.8VDD VDD V
Output Low Volt. VOL VSS 0.2VDD V
Supply Current(No include LED Backlight) IDD VDD=3.0V 0.49 1.0 mA

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