Home Prodotti LCM COG WO240128A

Grafici Display COG 240x128

Modello numero WO240128A

►LCD Grafico
►240 x 128 unti
►IC: UC1608
►Alimentatore + 3V
►1/128 duty cycle
►Interfaccia : 6800/8080/SPI


COG LCD Display 240x128 - Winstar WO240128A
Data source ref:WO240128A-TFH#


Funzione dei Pin di Interfaccia

Pin No. Simbolo Level descrizione
1 VB1- PWR LCD Bias Voltages. These are the voltage source to provide SEG driving currents. These voltages are generated internally. Connect capacitors of CBX between VBX+ and VBX–.
The resistance of these four traces directly affects the SEG driving strength of the resulting LCD module. Minimize the trace resistance is critical in achieving high quality image.
2 VB1+
3 VB0-
4 VB0+
5 VLCD PWR Main LCD Power Supply. Connect these pins together.
6 VBIAS I This is the reference voltage to generate the actual SEG driving voltage. VBIAS can be used to fine tune VLCD by external variable resistors. Internal resistor network has been provided to simplify external trimming circuit.
In COF application, connect a small bypass capacitor between VBIAS and VSS to reduce noise.
7 VSS PWR Ground
8 VDD PWR Supply Voltage for logic
9 D7 I/O Bi-directional bus for both serial and parallel host interfaces.
In serial modes, connect D[0] to SCK, D[3] to SDA,
D1 D1 D1/D5 - -
D2 D2 D2/D6 - -
D4 D4 - - -
D5 D5 - - -
D6 D6 - S9 S8/S8uc
D7 D7 0 1 1
Connect unused pins to VDD or VSS.
10 D6
11 D5
12 D4
13 D3
14 D2
15 D1
16 D0
17 WR1 I WR[1:0] controls the read/write operation of the host interface. See Host Interface section for more detail.
In parallel mode, WR[1:0] meaning depends on whether the interface is in the 6800 mode or the 8080 mode. In serial interface modes, these two pins are not used, connect them to VSS.
18 WR0
19 CD I Select Control data or Display data for read/write operation. In S9 mode, CD pin is not used. Connect CD to VSS when not used. ”L”: Control data ”H”: Display data
20 RST I When RST=”L”, all control registers are re-initialized by their default states.
Since UC1608x has built-in Power-ON-Reset and Software Reset command, RST pin is not required for proper chip operation. When RST is not used, connect the pin to VDD.
21 CS I Chip Select. The chip is selected when CS=”H”. When the chip is not selected, D[7:0] will be high impedance.
22 BM0 I Bus mode: The interface bus mode is determined by BM[1:0] and D[7:6] by the following relationship:
BM[1:0] D[7:6] Mode
11 Data 6800/8-bit
10 Data 8080/8-bit
1 0X 6800/8-bit
0 0X 8080/8-bit
1 10 3-wire SPI w/9-bit token
(S9: conventionl)
0 10 4-wire SPI w/8-bit token
(S8: conventionl)
0 11 3- or 4-wire SPI w/8-bit token
(S8uc: Ultra-Compact)
23 BM1

Dati meccanici

Articolo Dimensioni Unità
Formato display 240 x 128 punti
Dimensione del modulo 98.7 x 67.7 x 9.5 (Max) mm
Area di visualizzazione 92.0 x 53.0 mm
Area attiva 83.975 x 44.775 mm
Dimensioni del Dot 0.325 x0.325 mm
Passo del Dot 0.35 x 0.35 mm
Duty 1/128 , 1/12 Bias
Tipo di backlight LED
IC UC1608
Interfaccia 6800/8080/3 wire SPI/4 wire SPI

Valori massimi assoluti

Articolo Simbolo Min Valore tipico Valore massimo Unità
Temperatura di lavoro TOP -20 +70
Temperatura di stock TST -30 +80
Supply voltage for Logic VDD -0.3 +4.0 V
LCD Generator supply voltage VDD2 -0.3 +4.0 V
LCD Generated voltage VLCD -0.3 +17.8 V

Caratteristiche elettriche

Articolo Simbolo Condition Min Valore tipico Valore massimo Unità
Supply Voltage For Logic VDD-VSS 2.7 2.8~3.3 3.6 V
Supply Voltage For LCM V0-VSS Ta=-20℃



Input High Volt. VIH 0.8 VDD V
Input Low Volt. VIL 0.2VDD V
Output High Volt. VOH 0.8VDD V
Output Low Volt. VOL 0.2VDD V
Supply Current(No include LED Backlight) IDD VDD=3.0V 1.1 mA

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