Home Productos Pantalla OLED Pantalla OLED Caracteres WEA002004C

20 caracteres x 4 líneas COG Módulo OLED +PCB

Modelo Nº WEA002004C

►Tipo : Caracteres
►Estructura : COG+PCB
►20 caracteres x 4 líneas
►Fuente de alimentación de 3.3V/5V
►1/32 duty
►Interfaz :6800,8080,SPI,I2C
►Color de la pantalla: Blanco / Amarillo


20 Characters x 4 Lines COG OLED Display with PCB - WEA002004C

Data source ref: WEA002004CWPP3N00000


Función interfaz Pin

Pin No. Símbolo Pin Type Función
1 VSS P Ground
2 VDD P Power supply and power supply for interface logic level.
3 REGVDD I This pin is pulled LOW, internal VDD regulator is disabled (Low voltage I/O application).
4 D/C# I This pin is Data/Command control pin connecting to the MCU.
When the pin is pulled HIGH, the data at D[7:0] will be interpreted as data.
When the pin is pulled LOW, the data at D[7:0] will be transferred to a command register.
In I2C mode, this pin acts as SA0 for slave address selection.
When serial interface is selected, this pin must be connected to VSS.
5 R/W# (WR#) I This pin is read / write control input pin connecting to the MCU interface.
When 6800 interface mode is selected, this pin will be used as Read/Write (R/W#) selection input. Read mode will be carried out when this pin is pulled HIGH and write mode when LOW.
When 8080 interface mode is selected, this pin will be the Write (WR#) input. Data write operation is initiated when this pin is pulled LOW and the chip is selected.
When serial or I2C interface is selected, this pin must be connected to VSS.
6 E/RD# I This pin is MCU interface input.
When 6800 interface mode is selected, this pin will be used as the Enable (E) signal.
Read/write operation is initiated when this pin is pulled HIGH and the chip is selected.
When 8080 interface mode is selected, this pin receives the Read (RD#) signal. Read operation is initiated when this pin is pulled LOW and the chip is selected.
When serial or I2C interface is selected, this pin must be connected to VSS.
7 D0 I/O These pins are bi-directional data bus connecting to the MCU data bus.
Unused pins are recommended to tie LOW. When serial interface mode is selected, D0 will be the serial clock input: SCLK; D1 will be the serial data input: SID and D2 will be the serial data output: SOD. When I2C mode is selected, D2, D1 should be tied together and serve as SDAout, SDAin in application and D0 is the serial clock input, SCL.
8 D1
9 D2
10 D3
11 D4
12 D5
13 D6
14 D7
15 CS# I This pin is the chip select input connecting to the MCU.
The chip is enabled for MCU communication only when CS# is pulled LOW (active LOW).
In I2C mode, this pin must be connected to VSS.
16 RES# I This pin is reset signal input.
When the pin is pulled LOW, initialization of the chip is executed.
Keep this pin pull HIGH during normal operation.
17 BS0 I setting as described in the following table. BS2, BS1 and BS0 are pin select.
Bus Interface selection
BS[2:0] Interface
000 Serial Interface
001 Invalid
010 I2C
011 Invalid
100 8-bit 6800 parallel
101 4-bit 6800 parallel
110 8-bit 8080 parallel
111 4-bit 8080 parallel
(1) 0 is connected to VSS
(2) 1 is connected to VDD
18 BS1
19 BS2
20 VSS
P Ground

Datos mecánicos

Elemento Dimensión Unidad
Formato de presentación 20 caracteres x 4 líneas
Dimensión del módulo 92.0 x 31.5 x 5.96 Max. mm
Área de visualización 72.42 x 22.82 mm
zona activa 70.42 x 20.82 mm
Tamaño del punto 0.57 x 0.57 mm
Distancia entre puntos 0.60 x 0.60 mm
Tamaño de los caracteres 2.97 x 4.77 mm
Character pitch 3.55 x 5.35 mm
Tipo de LCD OLED , Monocromos
Duty 1/32
IC SSD1311
Interfaz 6800, 8080, SPI, I2C
Tamaño (Diagonal) 2.89 pulgada

Valores nominales máximos absolutos

Elemento Símbolo Valor mín. Valor máx. Unidad
Temperatura de funcionamiento TOP -40 +80 °C
Temperatura de almacenamiento TST -40 +85 °C
Supply Voltage For Logic VDD-VSS -0.3 3.6 V

Características electrónicas

DC Características electrónicas

Elemento Símbolo Condición Valor mín. Valor típico Valor máx. Unidad
Supply Voltage For Logic VDD-VSS 2.8 3.0 3.3 V
Input High Volt. VIH 0.8xVDD VDD V
Input Low Volt. VIL GND 0.2xVDD V
Output High Volt. VOH IOH=-0.5mA 0.8xVDD VDD V
Output Low Volt. VOL IOL=0.5mA GND 0.2xVDD V
Display 50% Pixel on IDD VDD=3V - 110 220 mA

Search keyword: oled 20x4, 20x4 oled

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