Home Prodotti LCM COG WO24064A1

Grafici Display LCD COG 240x64

Modello numero WO24064A1

►LCD Grafico
►240x64 punti
►IC: ST7565P
►Alimentatore 3.3V
►Interfaccia : 6800/8080/SPI


LCD COG Module 240x64 - Winstar WO24064A1
Data source ref:WO24064A1-TFH#


Funzione dei Pin di Interfaccia

Pin No. Simbolo Level descrizione
1 NC   No connection
2 FR O This is the liquid crystal alternating current signal terminal.
3 CL I/O This is the display clock input terminal
The following is true depending on the M/S and CLS status.
4 /DOF O This is the LCD blanking control terminal.
5 /CS1 I This is the chip select signal. When /CS1 = “L” and CS2 = “H”, then the chip Select becomes active, and data/command I/O is enabled.
6 CS2 I
7 /RES I When /RES is set to “L”, the register settings are initialized (cleared).
The reset operation is performed by the /RES signal level.
8 A0 I This is connect to the least significant bit of the normal MPU address bus, and it determines whether the data bits are data or command.
A0 = “H”: Indicates that D0 to D7 are display data.
A0 = “L”: Indicates that D0 to D7 are control data.
9 /WR I When connected to 8080 series MPU, this pin is treated as the “/WR” signal of the 8080 MPU and is LOW-active.
The signals on the data bus are latched at the rising edge of the /WR signal.
When connected to 6800 series MPU, this pin is treated as the “R/W” signal of the 6800 MPU and decides the access type :
When R/W = “H”: Read.
When R/W = “L”: Write.
10 /RD I When connected to 8080 series MPU, this pin is treated as the “/RD” signal of the 8080 MPU and is LOW-active.
The data bus is in an output status when this signal is “L”.
When connected to 6800 series MPU, this pin is treated as the “E” signal of the 6800 MPU and is HIGH-active.
This is the enable clock input terminal of the 6800 Series MPU.
11~18 DB0~DB7 I/O Data bus
19 VDD P Power supply
20 VSS P Ground
21 Vout O DC/DC voltage converter. Connect a capacitor between this terminal and VSS or VDD
22 C3+ O DC/DC voltage converter
23 C1-
24 C1+
25 C2+
26 C2-

V4 P This is a multi-level power supply for the liquid crystal drive. The voltage Supply applied is determined by the liquid crystal cell, and is changed through the use of a resistive voltage divided or through changing the impedance using an op. amp.
Voltage levels are determined based on Vss, and must maintain the relative magnitudes shown below.
V0 ≧V1 ≧V2 ≧V3 ≧V4 ≧Vss
28 V3
29 V2
30 V1
31 V0
32 VR I Output voltage regulator terminal. Provides the voltage between VSS and V0 through a resistive voltage divider.
IRS = “L” : the V0 voltage regulator internal resistors are not used.
IRS = “H” : the V0 voltage regulator internal resistors are used.
33 C86 I This is the MPU interface selection pin.
C86 = “H”: 6800 Series MPU interface.
C86 = “L”: 8080 Series MPU interface.
34 P/S I This pin configures the interface to be parallel mode or serial mode.
P/S = “H”: Parallel data input/output.
P/S = “L”: Serial data input.
The following applies depending on the P/S status:
P/S Data/Command Data Read/Write Serial Clock
“H” A0 D0 to D7 /RD, /WR X
“L” A0 SI (D7) Write only SCL (D6)
When P/S = “L”, D0 to D5 must be fixed to “H”.
/RD (E) and /WR (R/W) are fixed to either “H” or “L”.
The serial access mode does NOT support read operation.
35 NC   No connection
36 NC   No connection

Dati meccanici

Articolo Dimensioni Unità
Number of Dots 240 x 64
Dimensione del modulo 142.5 x 51.7 x 14.9(MAX) mm
Area di visualizzazione 130.2 x 37.6 mm
Area attiva 127.17 x 33.89 mm
Dimensioni del Dot 0.50 x 0.50 mm
Passo del Dot 0.53 x 0.53 mm
Duty 1/65
Tipo di backlight LED
IC ST7565P
Interfaccia 6800/8080/4-Line SPI

Valori massimi assoluti

Articolo Simbolo Min Valore tipico Valore massimo Unità
Temperatura di lavoro TOP -20 +70
Temperatura di stock TST -30 +80
Power Supply Voltage VDD -0.3 3.6 V
Power supply voltage (VDD standard) V0,VOUT -0.3 14.5 V
Power supply voltage (VDD standard) V1,V2,V3,V4 -0.3 V0+0.3 V

Caratteristiche elettriche

Articolo Simbolo Condition Min Valore tipico Valore massimo Unità
Supply Voltage For Logic VDD-VSS 3.0 3.3 3.6 V
Supply Voltage For LCM V0-VSS Ta=-20℃



Input High Volt. VIH 0.8 VDD VDD V
Input Low Volt. VIL VSS 0.2VDD V
Output High Volt. VOH 0.8VDD VDD V
Output Low Volt. VOL VSS 0.2VDD V
Supply Current(No include LED Backlight) IDD VDD=3.3V 1.5 2.5 mA

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