뉴스 뉴스 및 이벤트 Winstar OLED Received 2014 Taiwan Excellence Award
날짜 May 19, 2014

Winstar OLED Received 2014 Taiwan Excellence Award

April 24th, 2014, Mr. John Lin, the Vice President of Winstar Display, received the 2014 Taiwan Excellence Award from the president of Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA).  We are proud to announce that Winstar Character OLED Displays won this award.  
The Taiwan Excellence is an award that is delivered by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) to encourage Taiwan industries to upgrade and incorporate innovalues into their products. 
Taiwan Excellence is the highest accolade awarded to products that encapsulate innovalue.  The Taiwan Excellence Awards Selection is based on four different criteria: R&D, Design, Quality, and Marketing.  Winstar Display Character OLED products are innovative and superior in terms of performance, quality, and design; and the products that have been honored with the 2014 Taiwan Excellence Award this year are the greatest testimony to the design, quality, and performance of Winstar Display products.

Winstar OLED Received 2014 Taiwan Excellence Award
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