Startseite Produkte TFT-LCDs TFT-HDMI Signal WF70A7TIFHLHTV

7 Zoll Mini Touchscreen For HDMI Signal TFT (For Raspberry Use)

Modellnummer WF70A7TIFHLHTV

►Größe: 7 Zoll
►Auflösung: 1024x600 Punkten
►Betrachtungsrichtung: 12 H
►Schnittstelle:Support HDMI Connector (Only DVI Signal)
►Integrierter Controller: TFP401
►Steuerplatine: Ja
►Helligkeit (cd/m2): 400
►Durchsteckrahmen: Nein
►Touchscreen: Resistiven Touchscreen
►Betriebstemperatur : -20~+70℃


WF70A7TIFHLHTV#: with a 40-pin header connector on board, supports up to Raspberry Pi 3B+ (contain Pi 4B) version.  If customers choose Raspberry Pi 4 version, please note the interface is Micro HDMI; customers need to use the Micro HDMI to HDMI cable for Winstar this series products.
WF70A7TIFHLHT0#: without connector on board(do not support Raspberry Pi).


7 HDMI Display, 7 Display HDMI, 7 inch HDMI TFT Display with Resistive Touch Screen

Technische Daten

Allgemeine Spezifikationen

Artikel Ausmaß Einheit
Größe 7,0 Zoll
Punktmatrix 1024 × RGB × 600(TFT) Punkte
Abmaße der modul 165,0(W) × 99,8(H) × 26,3(D) mm
Aktiver Bereich 154,2114 × 85,92 mm
Punktabstand 0,1506 × 0,1432 mm
LCD Typ TFT, Weiß, Transmissiv
Betrachtungsrichtung  12 o'clock
Grauskala-Umkehrrichtung 6 o'clock
Seitenverhältnis 16:9
Hintergrundbeleuchtung Typ LED, Weiß
Controller IC TFP401 oder gleichwertig
TFT Schnittstelle Support HDMI Connector (Only DVI Signal)
Touchscreen Resistiven Touchscreen
RTP Schnittstelle USB
Oberfläche Anti-Reflextion

absolute Grenzwerte

Artikel Symbol Mindestwert typischer Wert Maximalwert Einheit
Betriebstemperatur TOP -20 +70
Lagertemperatur TST -30 +80

elektrische Eigenschaften

Artikel Symbol Bedingung Mindestwert typischer Wert Maximalwert Einheit
Supply Voltage For LCM VDD 4.9 5 5.1 V
Supply Current For LCM IDD 870 1200 mA
LED life time 50,000 Hr


1. LCM PIN Definition(CON6)

Pin Symbol Funktion
1 NC No connection
2 5V Raspberry Pi:Power 5V
3 GPIO02 Raspberry Pi:GPIO02 
4 5V Raspberry Pi:Power 5V
5 GPIO03 Raspberry Pi:GPIO03
6 GND Raspberry Pi:GND
7 GPIO04 Raspberry Pi:GPIO04
8 GPIO14 Raspberry Pi:GPIO14
9 GND Raspberry Pi:GND
10 GPIO15 Raspberry Pi:GPIO15
11 GPIO17 Raspberry Pi:GPIO17
12 GPIO18 Raspberry Pi:GPIO18 (Backlight Enable)
13 GPIO27 Raspberry Pi:GPIO27
14 GND Raspberry Pi:GND
15 GPIO22 Raspberry Pi:GPIO22
16 GPIO23 Raspberry Pi:GPIO23
17 NC No connection
18 GPIO24 Raspberry Pi:GPIO24
19 GPIO10 Raspberry Pi:GPIO10
20 GND Raspberry Pi:GND
21 GPIO09 Raspberry Pi:GPIO09
22 GPIO25 Raspberry Pi:GPIO25
23 GPIO11 Raspberry Pi:GPIO11
24 GPIO08 Raspberry Pi:GPIO08
25 GND Raspberry Pi:GND
26 GPIO07 Raspberry Pi:GPIO07
27 ID_SD Raspberry Pi:ID_SD
28 ID_SC Raspberry Pi:ID_SC
29 GPIO05 Raspberry Pi:GPIO05
30 GND Raspberry Pi:GND
31 GPIO06 Raspberry Pi:GPIO06
32 GPIO12 Raspberry Pi:GPIO12
33 GPIO13 Raspberry Pi:GPIO13
34 GND Raspberry Pi:GND
35 GPIO19 Raspberry Pi:GPIO19
36 GPIO16 Raspberry Pi:GPIO16
37 GPIO26 Raspberry Pi:GPIO26
38 GPIO20 Raspberry Pi:GPIO20
39 GND Raspberry Pi:GND
40 GPIO21 Raspberry Pi:GPIO21

2. LCM PIN Definition (CON5)

Pin Symbol Funktion
1 3.3V TFT Module Power limit can only output 3.3V,100mA
2 5V Raspberry Pi:Power 5V
3 GPIO02 Raspberry Pi:GPIO02
4 5V Raspberry Pi:Power 5V
5 GPIO03 Raspberry Pi:GPIO03
6 GND Raspberry Pi:GND
7 GPIO04 Raspberry Pi:GPIO04
8 GPIO14 Raspberry Pi:GPIO14
9 GND Raspberry Pi:GND
10 GPIO15 Raspberry Pi:GPIO15
11 GPIO17 Raspberry Pi:GPIO17
12 GPIO18 Raspberry Pi:GPIO18 (Backlight Enable)
13 GPIO27 Raspberry Pi:GPIO27
14 GND Raspberry Pi:GND
15 GPIO22 Raspberry Pi:GPIO22
16 GPIO23 Raspberry Pi:GPIO23
17 3.3V TFT Module Power limit can only output 3.3V,100mA
18 GPIO24 Raspberry Pi:GPIO24
19 GPIO10 Raspberry Pi:GPIO10
20 GND Raspberry Pi:GND
21 GPIO09 Raspberry Pi:GPIO09
22 GPIO25 Raspberry Pi:GPIO25
23 GPIO11 Raspberry Pi:GPIO11
24 GPIO08 Raspberry Pi:GPIO08
25 GND Raspberry Pi:GND
26 GPIO07 Raspberry Pi:GPIO07
27 ID_SD Raspberry Pi:ID_SD
28 ID_SC Raspberry Pi:ID_SC
29 GPIO05 Raspberry Pi:GPIO05
30 GND Raspberry Pi:GND
31 GPIO06 Raspberry Pi:GPIO06
32 GPIO12 Raspberry Pi:GPIO12
33 GPIO13 Raspberry Pi:GPIO13
34 GND Raspberry Pi:GND
35 GPIO19 Raspberry Pi:GPIO19
36 GPIO16 Raspberry Pi:GPIO16
37 GPIO26 Raspberry Pi:GPIO26
38 GPIO20 Raspberry Pi:GPIO20
39 GND Raspberry Pi:GND
40 GPIO21 Raspberry Pi:GPIO21

3. USB

Pin Symbol Funktion
1 5V Power Supply (5V)
2 D- Data line -
3 D+ Data line +
4 NC No connection
5 GND Power Ground


Pin No. Symbol I/O Funktion
1 5V P Power Supply (5V)
2 GND P Ground
3 NC   No connection


Pin No. Symbol I/O Funktion
1 Rx2+ I +LVDS Differential Data Input
2 GND P Ground
3 Rx2- I -LVDS Differential Data Input
4 Rx1+ I +LVDS Differential Data Input
5 GND P Ground
6 Rx1- I -LVDS Differential Data Input
7 Rx0+ I +LVDS Differential Data Input
8 GND P Ground
9 Rx0- I -LVDS Differential Data Input
10 RxC+ I +LVDS Differential Clock Input
11 GND P Ground
12 RxC- I -LVDS Differential Clock Input
13-14 NC - No connection
15 SCL I/O DDC(Data Display Channel) Clock
16 SDA I/O DDC(Data Display Channel) Data
17 GND P Ground
18 5V P Power Supply
19 Detect I/O Hot plug detect
I: input, O: output, P: Power
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