Home Noticias Events/Notice Notification of Winstar Headquarters Relocation
Fecha Jun 15, 2016

Notification of Winstar Headquarters Relocation

Dear Valued Customers,
We are pleased to inform you that Winstar Headquarters will be moving to the following new address effective from June 27, 2016. It is located in Central Taiwan Science Park.

Headquarters Address: 5F, No.31, Keya Rd., Daya Dist., Taichung City 428, Taiwan
Tel: +886-4-2568 9987
Fax: +886-4-2568 7763

Due to office relocation, our office will be closed from June 24, (Fri) to June 26, 2016 (Sun). Please update your Winstar contact information of mailing address, telephone number and fax number. Please note all staff extension number and e-mail address are all the same. We will continually provide our qualified service and products to our customers at the highest competent level. We look forward to your continued support. We will strive for providing the excellent service in appreciation of your support. Thank you for your kind attention!

Headquarters Address: 5F, No.31, Keya Rd., Daya Dist., Taichung City 428, Taiwan
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